Discover the combined Powerful results of Psychotherapy and Strategic Hypnotherapy in overcoming Sleep Problems.
Your mental and physical health are founded on the quality of your sleep. It has a far-reaching impact on your well-being.
Enter hypnotherapy – one of the most potent and proven methods to tackle sleep disorders, insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and disrupted sleep patterns.
Understanding how Social Anxiety works
Somewhere along your life journey you unconsciously connected with some limiting personal beliefs. Perhaps you believe yourself to be “naturally shy,” or that you’re an introvert. These views may be true at present, and yet change is possible. It’s simply a process.
Experience a Life Transformed
Remember that the current version of you has no idea what the future version of you is capable of. My focus is to skillfully guide you on your journey towards personal transformation. I will give you the skills necessary for you to overcome your fears, build a sense of control, and embrace life’s opportunities.
Why and how I can help you
We combine strategic hypnotherapy techniques with clinically proven psychotherapy, which operate together to produce powerful changes. On the very first session, we will gently delve into some of the possible origins of your particular issues, and from there I will discuss with you the tools that you can use to shatter self-limiting beliefs, and replace them with realistic, balanced thoughts that promote a sense of personal power.
Through Strategic Hypnotherapy, you’ll develop skills to:
Resolve the Primary Cause by identifying and solving the deeper issues giving rise to your insomnia
Employ effective skills create a peaceful state of mind ready for rest
Feel safe by playing your personalised hypnosis recording to listen to
Adopt Sleep Hygiene Skills that will assist you to stay asleep throughout the night, and return you to sleep if you awaken.
On the first session:
You may choose to approach this problem utilizing a pure discussion-based therapy style. Various solutions will be discussed and a formulation created. A formulation is a structured approach used to understand, prioritise, and address your issues using cognitive-behavioural techniques that promote positive change, such as problem-solving, thought restructuring, and easy to follow mindfulness practices. Any approach undertaken will be done with your thorough understanding and agreement. All of this simply boils down to getting the right skills tailored to your needs. If you choose, then hypnotherapy can be employed to facilitate your successful outcome. At this point the number of sessions required will be agreed upon, and the first hypnotherapy session will be conducted (If you are agreeable). Consistent, reliable and long-lasting results are usually achieved within 2-4 sessions. In the context of Sleep, improvements frequently happen from the very first session. With your permission, each session will be recorded and you will be given a copy to play at a regular time each day between sessions. This is necessary in order to move the new information from “new” to “known.”